Acquiring financial well being should be akin to wanting spiritual or physical well being. We travel to distant places to seek spiritual enlightenment, and we discipline our bodies through exercise everyday. Thereby looking and feeling our best. Why not take the same approach with our finances. Finding balance in all areas of our lives comes through contemplation and re-flection. Despite where we are in our lives, wholeness is something we constantly crave. The truth of the matter is that we often have to take stock of where we are. Only then can we progress beyond that point.
It takes change. But who likes change? I have to confess even in my own life change makes me uncomfortable. However, change is often necessary if we are to see the next thing, achieve the next goal or progress to the next level. For instance, we cannot sit on a chair in the living room and expect that we will get to the upstairs without changing our position and focus. Fear is not something that should hold us captive. Let that thing whatever it is, be the fuel that propels you to change your position in thinking about your financial well being. In other words as Joyce Meyer say “do it afraid”.
Reflection and question: What do I need to do? Where is my focus? When do I need to change? How can I do things differently to start this process in my life.
” I wish above all things that you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers” 3 John 2:2(KJV)
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